Coaching & Training

Your trusted guides who will help you maximize human capital.




8 out of 10 leaders say that Human Resources is the most challenging part of their job. Let us set you up for success by investing in your most important asset in a time and cost efficient manner.

Our webinars mirror the chapters from Josée’s book called Navigating HR – Simple Tips for People Leaders. They include all items from onboarding, to offboarding. You can purchase one course or create a package that suits your needs.


Whether you are looking for business, human resource or culture workshops we facilitate pre-created interactive modules or adapt them to what you need.

We have a 96% satisfaction rate from customers as our value added sessions always provide tips and tricks for participants to be able to instantly implement both at home and at work.

Staff Meetings

Looking for ice breakers, guidelines or templates for your staff meetings, we have it all.

We can even host an activity or the co-host the entire meeting with you.

Lunch & Learns

We provide 45 to 60 minute sessions that our clients look forward to. Topics vary from personal / professional development, diversity activities, life skills always encouraging growth and development while strenghtening your internal community.

“Negative questions receive negative answers, positive questions result in positive answers”

Brooke Shields

Actress, Model

Brooke Shields

“There is always a way to connect to someone, it’s not IF it’s HOW”

Mike Slade

Helped launch Microsoft Excel & Office, and worked closely with Steve Jobs

Mike Slade

“Generate the results
in life you think you

Dr Phil

Television host, Author, Psychologist

Dr Phil

“When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears”

Tony Robbins

Author, Philanthropist, and Life coach

Tony Robbins

“If you love what you do
and are willing to do
what it takes, it’s within
your reach”

Steve Wozniak

American inventor, Electronics engineer, Programmer,
Philanthropist, & Technology entrepreneur

Steve Wozniak

Copyright © 2023 The HR ICU |Web Design by WebMarketers

The information published on this site and or affiliate sites is not legal advice yet is intended to be used as points of discussion and, human resources best practices. As laws frequently change, it is recommended to seek advice from an HR ICU consultant to ensure you receive current provincial / federal information.