Health & Safety

A trusted authority on health & safety training, structure & compliance.




Depending on your location you may have required legislative training that each employee needs to complete.

In Ontario Canada all employees need to take a General H&S Awareness course. Most employers are also required to provide WHIMIS training.

We will provide you with free or sourced reasonably priced training modules as necessary.

You may also be required to have a certified H&S committee depending on your size of business who must conduct regular meetings and inspections of your business. Let us help guide you.

Mental Health

1 out of 5 Canadians and Americans are affected by mental health at some point in their lives. However less than 25% of people talk about mental health in the workplace.

As a certified mental health first aid consultant as well being versed in the Canadian Mental Health Association resources we can provide you with tools and guidance on creating a positive and open work environment.

Substance Misuse

With the legalization of cannabis in some provinces and increased addiction to other substances ensuring your business has a substance misuse policy will not only protect your business yet more importantly it can help your employee during their time of need..

 Harassment, Discrimination
and Violence

As per many legislations a business no matter the size must have an anti harassment/violence/discrimination policy. Employees are to be trained in the policy and a specific process must be outlined for reporting, investigation and documenting any potential concerns.

It is important to protect your employees, your customers as well as the integrity of your business.

“If you love what you do
and are willing to do
what it takes, it’s within
your reach”

Steve Wozniak

American inventor, Electronics engineer, Programmer,
Philanthropist, & Technology entrepreneur

Steve Wozniak

“There is always a way to connect to someone, it’s not IF it’s HOW”

Mike Slade

Helped launch Microsoft Excel & Office, and worked closely with Steve Jobs

Mike Slade

“When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears”

Tony Robbins

Author, Philanthropist, and Life coach

Tony Robbins

“Negative questions receive negative answers, positive questions result in positive answers”

Brooke Shields

Actress, Model

Brooke Shields

“Generate the results
in life you think you

Dr Phil

Television host, Author, Psychologist

Dr Phil

Copyright © 2023 The HR ICU |Web Design by WebMarketers

The information published on this site and or affiliate sites is not legal advice yet is intended to be used as points of discussion and, human resources best practices. As laws frequently change, it is recommended to seek advice from an HR ICU consultant to ensure you receive current provincial / federal information.